Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Nature is an Alluring Place

Nature is an alluring place. The walk out to the tree stand so unbelievably gorgeous. The oranges, browns, reds, and yellows of autumn falling to the ground in a symphony of relaxation. 

Once sitting up in the tree stand observing the creation of God, the mind opens to see the perfection of this world. Hearing the soft flow of water from the stream right next to the stand so peaceful it sooths all the stresses in this world. Being able to go out into the wilderness to observe reconnects life to nature. The Sciuridae (squirrels) forge and chase each other up one tree, across its branches, and down the next becomes pure amusement in the finest sense.

The marvelous Odocoileus virginianus (white tail-deer) walking out of the pines along the hollow, where she was bedded down, to find acorns that will satisfy her hunger. Suddenly there is a sound created. She stops…she looks around to see where the noise had come from, she looks up and spots something hanging on the side of a tree. In this moment, the view of magnificent variations of color can be captured. The black around her ears, the white under her jaw, dark brown from neck to tail, with spectacular white on the underside of her tail. For this moment, she is curious to understand what it is she sees. In that same sense, the curiosity flows in both her mind and ours. It is fascinating to know that you are in her mind although not as a human, but rather as an object she is unsure about. As she stomps her hoof once more, she scampers off into the next patch of brushy cover, and all is quiet again.

Light wind begins to blow across the canopy of the forest tumbling leaves off of their once home branch. As they reach their new home with a soft landing, they become equal to the soil under them. The nutrients they hold will return to the soil, and keep God's creation flourishing. Life isn't about the materialistic objects that eat up this world, but rather the interaction with what the natural world in which was made for us to reconnect with our Creator!

Our ancestors use to be connected with nature in ways that our society will never experience. When we connect with nature we get to have experiences that are unique to us. Nature is a peaceful environment always speaking through the minds of those who take the time to sit and listen.